Escape from Tyranny

Take a look at the following dialog occurring in a work context: Boss: Worker, when can you get the expenditure report done?Worker: That will take me three to four days, boss.Boss: I really need it by tomorrow, so you have until then!Worker: … [imagine what might be said here] Have you ever found yourself in… Continue reading Escape from Tyranny

Secrets, Lies, and Protection

Whenever I experience that someone is not telling the truth, it undermines trust. Being on the receiving end of finding out that we were not deemed worthy or capable of knowing the truth creates an emotional barrier. From that perspective, it often seems difficult to understand the motivation behind a lie as anything other than… Continue reading Secrets, Lies, and Protection

Rights Without Responsibilities?

Watching the documentary about Jordan Peterson made by David Fuller of Rebel Wisdom, especially the segment starting at time index 19’07, I had a strong experience of resonance with the following train of thought: It is potentially dangerous to have discussion about rights—what some people want others to contribute to their wellbeing, say healthcare or… Continue reading Rights Without Responsibilities?

Thresholds and Incentives

In this post, I explore how thresholds can impact incentives, exerting a motivational force on our behavior. TL;DR — human behaviors are closely linked to signal detection and decision making thresholds. As you become more aware of thresholds, and how they create a leveraging influence on behavior and decision making, you can choose to work… Continue reading Thresholds and Incentives