There is a philosophical observation whose shorthand form is attributed to Alfred Korzybski: “The Map is not the Territory.” Unfortunately, our inability to reflect on why words have power and where there power comes from leads us into all sorts of dead ends… If you want to know more about this, I would highly recommend… Continue reading The Illusion of Progress
Tag: culture
Tell the Truth? Maybe not.
I am writing this post early on Thanksgiving morning. A dream with an unpleasant twist woke me up. In that dream, I had been at a festival with a friend. On our way home, we came across a police checkpoint. As the cop who dealt with me looked through the contents of my pockets, he… Continue reading Tell the Truth? Maybe not.
Escape from Tyranny
Take a look at the following dialog occurring in a work context: Boss: Worker, when can you get the expenditure report done?Worker: That will take me three to four days, boss.Boss: I really need it by tomorrow, so you have until then!Worker: … [imagine what might be said here] Have you ever found yourself in… Continue reading Escape from Tyranny