The Magic Formula

Without further ado, here it is: Carbu Nores – Leaho Totru Astra. What a weird magic formula, you might think. And why is there a pause between the second and third words? What is the purpose of this formula (what does it do)? And does it actually work? I’ll start with the purpose piece: the… Continue reading The Magic Formula

VS is the new BS

First things first… I’m using BS in the title as short for bullshit, and VS as short for virtue signaling. What brought me to this tentative claim? A conversation with my husband earlier today highlighted a pattern which I believe contributes to gridlock we experience everywhere. A complex problem presents itself, and someone or a… Continue reading VS is the new BS

Mind Over Matter?

Can life really be cruel and yet worth living? That is the question I ended up with starting from a hypothetical situation. And I appreciate that the situation I will describe is contrived and artificial. I hope you can see that, despite it being artificial, the conflict it describes is real, albeit exaggerated to some… Continue reading Mind Over Matter?

Jazz-tune Yourself

At first I wanted to title this post simply “Tune Yourself”. Then I realized that is insufficient. Tuning can mean a lot of things. Generally speaking, I assume it refers to an increase of performance. It suggests fiddling or adjusting with some inner parameters. The reason I changed it to “Jazz-tune Yourself” gets at the… Continue reading Jazz-tune Yourself

There Is A Place For Everyone – and Everything

When was the last time you felt moved to tears? For me, it came quite unexpectedly just the other day. I was listening to some music on the YouTube channel of Yohan Kim. My intention with this post is to describe both the delight and also the melancholy I experienced as honestly as I can.… Continue reading There Is A Place For Everyone – and Everything

Choosing the Flow for 2022

As the current year, 2021, comes to a close, one thought keeps reverberating in my mind: life comes with its own flavors of energy, and through our conscious experience, we have a say about which energy is being expressed through us. Ultimately, there is only one form of energy (or life), but it comes in… Continue reading Choosing the Flow for 2022

“Shut Up and Dance!”

My intention with this post is to provide both a perspective and to communicate my intuition for why holding this perspective can be hugely beneficial in situations where I experience a discrepancy between is and ought, or rather reality as it happens to be and my expectations of or desired outcome for reality. The perspective… Continue reading “Shut Up and Dance!”

Gravity, Chaos, and Conscious Choice

The inspiration for this post comes from a recent conversation between Jordan Peterson, Steven Pinker, and Jonathan Haidt. During the first half hour of the video, they explore moralization as a source of violence justification. The more people frame an issue in terms—that is, impose a narrative—of good and evil, the greater the chance that… Continue reading Gravity, Chaos, and Conscious Choice

Empathy as a Prison Key

A few days ago, I decided to watch the recently released, and already very controversial, Netflix Special of comedian David Chappelle, “The Closer”. The final segment—in which Chappelle references Daphne, an aspiring comedian transgender woman, who killed herself—is particularly poignant. And through some conversations I had with friends, I realized how deeply this segment connected… Continue reading Empathy as a Prison Key